DeAnna and Stormi will periodically offer rituals open to the public. Register for whichever ritual feels right to you. What do you need most?
New Moon in Scorpio - November 13th, 2023 (BOOK BELOW)
The New Moon in Scorpio occurs Monday November 13th, 2023. It squares Saturn and Neptune with opposition to Mars. This is an opportune moment to reflect on endings and usher in new beginnings. More specifically, it is a time to release fears, address what makes us uncomfortable, and welcome in much needed psychological healing. It allows us to be at peace with ourselves (think of ‘The Hermit’ in tarot). Additionally, the fixed water sign Scorpio rules the genitals, sexual organs, and hips, which makes this New Moon advantageous for manifesting new relationships or healthier ones. Scorpios are also known skin-shedders, making this New Moon another quintessential moment for working towards the person you want to become and overall transformation.
Questions to ask yourself this New Moon:
› How have I been neglecting myself?
› What lessons did I learn since the previous New Moon?
› How can I heal from ‘this’ or ‘that’ and move forward healthy?
› What can I manifest that is aligned with my highest good and highest self?
› What can I thank the universe for-for bringing into my life this past month?
Organs impacted by this New Moon:
› Ovaries, Prostate, Anus, Urethra
How zodiac signs are impacted by this New Moon:
›Aries: Protect your finances and do not seek help in others with personal projects.
›Taurus: New perspective for you in regard to your partnerships, relationships, allies, and teams.
›Gemini: Focus will shift to physical well-being and general well-being, as well as working with new spiritual avenues.
›Cancer: Expect a pursuit of happiness and personal pleasures, but do not gamble.
›Leo: Take on home improvement projects in a creative, unique, and exciting way. Experience a boost in popularity.
›Virgo: Increase in communication. This is a busy time for you socially so be weary of having too many things going on.
›Libra: This is a time to work with your money for good results. Put effort into your accounts and investments.
›Scorpio: Great opportunity to put energy into appearance and make personal changes. Visible changes will bring positive attention. Experience a boost in popularity.
›Sagittarius: Keep your business to yourself because it is not an ideal time for revealing plans or ideas to others.
›Capricorn: There is an emphasis on being with your friend group or socializing, but do not gamble.
›Aquarius: You will have to deal with authority; bosses, officials, parents, etc. Your career or business are emphasized so be cautious.
›Pisces: Make unusual plans for the future such as traveling.